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Attention All Shoppers

Attention All Shoppers

Clear Channel Norway AS Chooses Matrox Graphics Cards to Drive Inventive Digital Media in Norway’s Largest Shopping Centers

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The Company

As Norway’s largest player in out-of-home advertising, Clear Channel Norway AS helps government administrations establish public services for the right to use advertisements on county properties. Such properties can involve advertisements in public restrooms, on environmental-friendly bikes, the Norwegian state railway (NSB), and shopping malls. Clear Channel Norway has grown from being a provider of traditional advertising solutions to offering innovative digital signage that reaches vast numbers of consumers and brings new, animated content to the advertising screens.

The Challenge

Implement interesting, cutting-edge digital signage that would be easy to deploy and maintain throughout Olav Thon Gruppen and Amfi Eiendom shopping mall chains across Norway.

When Clear Channel Norway landed the contract to create digital signage for 25 malls within the biggest shopping mall chains in Norway, they were looking to design a configuration of digital media panels that would capture the attention of shoppers. They needed to provide multiple touch points in locations that would stand out from the noise and bustle of the shopping malls and would surround consumers with their client’s advertising messages. Cost, ease of installation, and scalability were all major factors, especially since it was to be the biggest mall digital signage installation Clear Channel Norway had ever done.

The Solution

Clear Channel Norway decided to implement what they call their "Extreme Triple Screen" setup throughout the shopping centers. This innovative setup involved placing three columns of screens, each with three NEC 40", 46", or 52" LCD panels stacked in a 9:48 portrait configuration around support pillars in the corridors of the shopping malls, or in 48:9 banner format overhead displays. Content would be looped on the screens every two minutes, providing a unique floor-to-ceiling canvas upon which mall news information, merchandise advertising, or venue branding could be displayed.

Clear Channel Norway provides turnkey solutions—including the hardware, software, copy and creative needed—to drive their digital signage. For this project, they needed to find a graphics card solution that could power this challenging multi-screen setup. They first looked into using the Matrox TripleHead2Go external Graphics eXpansion Modulewith an off-the-shelf computer, which they used in their Oslo Airport AdScreen project. However, to reduce the number of components for each configuration, Clear Channel Norway decided to use the Matrox P690 Plus LP PCIe x16 graphics cards instead. They knew from previous digital signage projects that they needed to simplify the installation process for each individual shopping mall, since each venue would likely have a different AV installation crew. Reducing the number of components required for each multi-display setup would ultimately ensure a smoother rollout. Clear Channel Norway has now moved on to using the new Matrox M9120 Plus LP PCIe x16 graphics cards to future-proof their installations, since these cards offer even more graphics memory, resolution support, and use the same unified driver package as the P690 cards already installed.

"Each Matrox card can drive up to four displays, so they provide a cost effective multi-display solution for our Extreme Triple Screen," stated Jonas Michael, Development Manager, Clear Channel Norway AS. "These passively cooled cards don’t generate much heat, and because of their low-profile format, we can use small form factor PCs to save on space requirements."

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The Result

Clear Channel Norway AS has implemented this "Extreme Triple Screen" configuration in 22 malls across Norway. Over two million visitors are exposed to the digital media while they're shopping, allowing advertisers to build brand awareness and influence purchase decisions.

"Media buyers have long been aware that the best time to influence a consumer is at the point when they are selecting the product," said Michael. "As in real estate, it’s all about location – location – location. The motion graphics on our triple screen advertising displays cannot be missed. This helps to focus and align consumer desire with products available within the mall complex, ultimately improving the bottom line for retailers and businesses."

Given that annual turnover from these 25 biggest shopping malls tops out at over $35 billion Norwegian Kroner ($5 billion USD) , it’s no surprise that Clear Channel Norway has set its sights on continually improving their digital out-of-home (OOH) advertising solutions with innovative technical solutions as the market evolves.

Contact Matrox Graphics to learn more about how you can extend and enhance your digital signage project.

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