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Live Streaming and Recording

Live Streaming and Recording

Do more from better media capture points.

Capture everything

Capture everything

Matrox has the most complete range of appliances, PCI-Express cards, OEM platforms, and Developer solutions to handle your high-quality 4K and HD capture requirements.

Maevex 6120
Mura IPX Quad-4K

Easy and flexible real-time encoding

Enterprise encoding designed for originator-users of high-value content such as corporate, government, and educational organizations.

Stream and record communications, training, presentations, keynotes, parliamentary sessions, trials, and more.

Discover Matrox encoding density: Our multi-channel encoders can generate multiple streams—each with their own parameters—directly from the source content.

Easy and flexible real-time encoding

Higher quality

Lower latency


Delivering more streams directly from the source content and removing the need for some transcoding will help you deliver the highest grade quality.

Lower latency

Transcoding operations require processing time. Handling your main streaming profiles directly from the capture point can help you reduce latency.

Lower costs


Lower costs

Transcoding costs can be recurring. You have options to help you off-load some of your transcoding burden by encoding the key streams you need directly at your capture point.


Take advantage of pass-throughs on your inputs, standards-based live streams and recording file formats, and integration software to connect to third-party hardware and software products.

Advanced processing


However you wish to stream and record your content, the most advanced enterprise video management tools and libraries allow users and developers alike to create the best quality assets at the lowest bitrates.

Hybridizing camera content, PC content, and other media has never been easier.


Maevex 6150 
Quad-4K enterprise encoder

Maevex 6120
Dual-4K enterprise encoder

Maevex 6020
Remote recorder

Maevex 5150
Single-channel HD encoder

PCI-Express cards

Maevex 6100
Quad-4K  Enterprise encoder card

Mura IPX Quad-4K
HDMI capture & encode card

Mura IPX Dual-4K
DisplayPort capture & encode card

Mura IPX 12G/Quad-3G
SDI capture & encode card

Educational resources

Visit our educational resources or contact us and learn more about how we can help you curate and share your precious content.

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NEXT:Workstation Productivity

Industry Recognition
World-Class Portfolio of Hardware, Software, and Developer Tools for Any Video
Multiple Monitor Solutions for Mac Users
Full HD, 4K, and 8K Real-Time Encoding
AV Technology for Houses of Worship
Build up Your AV Distribution Ecosystem